Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Broward County Launches Prescription Drug Discount Card Program

Broward County has launched a discount card program to help consumers cope with the high price of prescription drugs. The County is making free prescription drug discount cards available under a program sponsored by the National Association of Counties (NACo).
The cards may be used by all County residents, regardless of age, income, or existing health coverage, and at any participating retail pharmacy. A national network of more than 57,000 participating retail pharmacies also will honor the NACo prescription discount card, including most chain pharmacies and many independents. Cards can be picked up free of charge at many Broward County government facilities, including parks, libraries, transit facilities, the downtown Governmental Center and the County’s four Family Success Centers.
There is no enrollment form, no membership fee and no restrictions or limits on frequency of use. Cardholders and their family members may use the card any time their prescriptions are not covered by insurance. Unlike many other card programs, there is no enrollment cost or membership fee. The cardholder pays the negotiated discount price or the pharmacy’s retail price, whichever is lower. The average discount is 20 percent. Cardholders are eligible for higher discounts on a three-month supply of some medications through mail service. Cardholders also can save on pet prescriptions at participating retail pharmacies.
The program has a safety feature that alerts pharmacists when one drug may conflict with another medication the cardholder is taking, if the prescriptions were obtained with the NACo discount card.
The NACo discount card program remains a useful option now that Medicare Part D has been implemented. For example, the card can be used when a Medicare Part D plan doesn’t cover a drug. The program is administered by Caremark Rx, Inc., a leading pharmaceutical services company with broad experience in managing drug discount card programs for sponsoring clients. The program is available at no cost to Broward County taxpayers.