Monday, November 14, 2005

Missing Out on Benefits?

BenefitsCheckUp is the one of the nation's most comprehensive online service to screen for federal, state and some local private and public benefits for older adults (ages 55 and over). It contains over 1,300 different programs from all fifty states (including the District of Columbia). On average there are 50 to 70 programs available to individuals per state.

In addition to identifying the programs that a person may be eligible to receive, BenefitsCheckUp also provides a detailed description of the programs, local contacts for additional information (typically the addresses and phone numbers of where to apply for the programs), and materials to help successfully apply for each program.

BenefitsCheckUp was developed to address a concerning problem: millions of older adults are eligible for benefits, but not receiving them. Ranging from health coverage to supplemental income to help in paying utility bills, there are millions of older adults who could benefit from a wide array of public programs if they knew about them and how to apply for them.