Friday, February 10, 2006

Quicken Medical Expense Manager

You’ve got a brand new hip. Or maybe a brand new baby.

Then comes the paperwork. As medical invoices and statements from doctors and insurance companies come rolling in, you struggle to keep up. Have I met my deductibles? Didn't I already pay this bill? What can I apply to my Flexible Spending Account? Do I have any tax write-offs?

When your mailbox starts bulging with medical bills, you really want to know one thing: How much do I owe?

Quicken Medical Expense Manager software is designed to help you organize even the heaviest loads of health care paperwork. If you're budgeting for yourself, a parent or a whole family, if you have a chronic condition or a child with allergies, Quicken Medical Expense Manager gives you the peace of mind that comes from paying only what you owe and getting the benefits you deserve.

Check it out at Quicken Medical