Monday, August 15, 2005

Identity Theft

Identity theft is the unauthorized use of personal information for the purposes of obtaining financial gain. The unlawful use of another person’s personal data to open new credit card accounts, take out loans, or set up unauthorized financial accounts would be examples. While the information is being used illegally by the perpetrator for economic benefit, the unsuspecting consumer is the one left impacted by the financial fallout.

The Identify Theft Data Clearinghouse reported that the state of Florida received 16,062 complaints in 2004 regarding identity theft.

The Department of Financial Services cautions consumers to take extra care with the documents that have their personal identifying information such as social security numbers on them.

Today, many health insurance companies use a consumer's social security number as the member identification number. This information is printed on insurance cards that are commonly kept in purses or wallets.

The Department of Financial Services encourages consumers to contact their insurance company to request that their social security number not be included on the insurance card as a form of member identification. It can be requested that the membership number be changed to protect personal data.