If the cost of health insurance is killing you, there are some money-saving strategies you might want to look into. For example, you might combine a high-deductible plan with a tax-sheltered health savings account, or HSA -- more than a million Americans have signed up for such an approach.
According to a recent Associated Press report, the new high-deductible health insurance policies are "a bit complex, but a growing number of insurers offer them."
It explained that, "Under federal law, the policy must have a minimum deductible of $1,000 a year for an individual and $2,000 for a family; maximum out-of-pocket expenses -- for example, copayments required for surgical procedures -- cannot exceed $5,100 for individuals and $10,200 for families. Policyholders, meanwhile, can set up HSAs that they fund with their own money. Employers also can contribute to their workers' HSAs. HSA contributions, generally set at an amount equal to the policy's deductible, can be used to cover health care costs, and unused money can be carried over at year's end."
You can get more information on plan designs and quotes at HSA411.COM